The variability of UK weather often results in large differences in crop dry matter from one season to the next. Previously, selecting the right silage additive was a challenge, with growers often stocking up on multiple additives to cover all eventualities.
The introduction of Silasil Energy SG means that this is no longer necessary: it works just as efficiently on wet and dry grass thanks to the presence of four bacterial strains, instead of the usual two. A combination of L. plantarum, L. buchneri, L. coryniformis and E. faecium preserve the biogas potential of grass in the clamp, regardless of whether the season has been wet, dry, mild or warm.
For Nick Reynolds, the trial has delivered the data to back up what he already knew from seeing the treated silage in his clamp – that by boosting lactic and acetic acids and rapidly lowering the pH, Silasil Energy SG is providing long-term protection to Vale Green Energy’s grass silage. “Our silage is free from moulds and yeasts, doesn’t heat up at the clamp face or during feed-out, and the energy is preserved for biogas production.”