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    ForFarmers Privacy Statement

    ForFarmers respects the privacy of the people with whom it comes into contact. This includes customers, employees, business relations and website visitors. ForFarmers thinks that it is important that your personal information is treated confidentially and that privacy legislation is observed. This privacy statement tells you about how ForFarmers processes your personal data. 

    Who is responsible for your data?
    ForFarmers N.V. together with its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as ‘ForFarmers’) are responsible for processing your personal data. ForFarmers’ contact details are as follows: ForFarmers NV, PO Box 91, 7240 AB Lochem, the Netherlands, tel: +31 573-28 88 00, email: info@forfarmers.eu.

    ForFarmers may also have a different privacy statement for specific products or services. In such cases the specific privacy statement will apply. 
    When does ForFarmers collect your personal data?
    Personal data include for example: name, address, date of birth, telephone number, email or IP address.  ForFarmers collects your personal data if for example you fill in a form, send a letter or email, or call our customer services department.  You also provide your personal data when you visit one of the ForFarmers’ websites, or enter your data there, or at one of our depots, or with one of our employees.  Moreover, your personal data are collected within the scope of customers, potential customers and business contacts with ForFarmers. 

    What does ForFarmers use your personal data for?   
    ForFarmers uses your personal data to help run efficiently and effectively the business operations, the delivery of products and services and specifically the execution of the following activities:

    •    ForFarmers processes personal data for implementing agreements and maintaining relationships with customers, suppliers and other parties involved. For example ForFarmers records the names and addresses of customers or their representatives and updates them when changes occur.  ForFarmers bases this kind of processing on respectively performance of agreements and its legitimate interests with respect to maintaining relationships and contacts that are necessary for normal business operations.  

    ForFarmers also processes personal data such as login data when customers register via the MyForFarmers portal.  This portal provides customers with a view of their company details such as orders and invoices. Using this information made available via MyForFarmers for example, ForFarmers can provide its customers with individual advice regarding feed and/or improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their business operations. Partly because of the feed and business related character of this advice and the endeavour to provide the best service, ForFarmers bases the processing of this data on its legitimate interests. ForFarmers can also use this data for dealing with complaints for example.

    •    In order to carry out marketing activities, ForFarmers processes the personal data of (potential) customers using their addresses, email addresses, company and sector data and website visits. Where necessary in this respect personal data are processed based on receiving prior consent.  For the purposes of direct marketing to customers the basis for processing is legitimate interest because these activities are considered to be normal business operations at ForFarmers.

    •    Regarding communications, such as distributing information about products and/or services via newsletters, websites, social media, MyForFarmers’ personal accounts or otherwise, and distributing information about events for example, then the personal data of contacts are processed.  In this respect ForFarmers can also distribute (financial) information to shareholders, analysts, the press and/or others who have given their contact details to ForFarmers for this purpose.  Prior consent is requested for sending information via a newsletter.  Regarding cookies reference is made the Cookie Policy below.  For other communications, ForFarmers’ legitimate interests are the basis because these activities are considered to be normal business operations at ForFarmers.

    •    In order to improve services, the personal data of customers, such as reports concerning the delivery of products and services, visit reports, business reports or technical (business and animal) results (including feed conversion data in combination with a company number) are used for internal analyses and measuring and improving product and business performance. The basis for processing is legitimate interest as the processing is necessary within the framework of normal business operations at ForFarmers.

    •    Job seekers can provide consent for ForFarmers to retain their data such as contact details and CVs that have been entered via ForFarmers’ ‘Working at’ websites.  Job seekers can also add a link to their ‘LinkedIn’ profile or a similar application.  With this information ForFarmers can assess whether a job seeker will be invited for an interview. 

    •    Invoice and payment data for example is processed for the financial administration and internal controls.  The basis of this processing concerns the performance of a contract.

    •    In order to ensure the security of people (e.g. visitors and employees), information, buildings and products, visitors to our premises are asked to leave their name and business details with ForFarmers for example.  In the factories of ForFarmers CCTV may be used.  Personal data in such cases are processed on the basis of the legitimate interests of ForFarmers with respect to security. 

    •    In the interest of developments and analyses for improving the ForFarmers’ websites, information such as IP addresses, web-page visits, click and surfing behaviour, internet browsers and the duration of the visits or sessions, are all processed.  The basis for this processing is legitimate interest.  Reference is made to the Cookie Policy below.

    With whom can ForFarmers share your personal data?
    ForFarmers will not sell your personal data on to third parties and only uses them for the above-mentioned purposes.  ForFarmers can involve third parties in the running of the business.  Insofar as these third parties process your data while carrying out business operations, specific measures are taken to ensure that your personal data are only used if they are needed in this respect. Furthermore, ForFarmers will provide third parties with your information when this is mandatory, such as under court order, or if it has received prior consent to do this. 

    Exchanging information within the ForFarmers Group
    If you are a customer of ForFarmers, then your personal data can be exchanged within the ForFarmers Group. This can be done for administrative reasons and in order to obtain a total overview of your company and the products and services that you take from ForFarmers.  This allows ForFarmers to provide you with better service.  ForFarmers bases that processing of data on its legitimate interest since these activities form part of the normal business operations of ForFarmers.

    For how long are your personal data kept?
    ForFarmers keeps personal data no longer than necessary for the above-mentioned purposes.  The retention period for personal data depends on the purpose for which they are used.  In doing this, account is taken of the legal retention period that applies, the reasonable expectation that the personal data may still be used for the purpose they were originally obtained and with the legitimate interests of ForFarmers.  As soon as the personal data are no longer required they are made anonymous or deleted.

    Securing your personal data
    ForFarmers has taken the necessary security measures in order to prevent illegal use of your personal data.  ForFarmers has drawn up an information security policy and has trained its staff in this aspect.  Moreover, ForFarmers has taken measures regarding physical and digital security access.  

    Request for access, correction, deletion, objections and data transfers
    If you have your own account with ForFarmers (e.g. My ForFarmers) then you have access to a large part of your personal data that have been collected. You can at any time change or delete some of the information, for example regarding your account details. 

    If you would like to have access to all personal data collected about you, or if you do not have a ForFarmers account, please send your request by email to the following address info@forfarmers.eu. You can also use this email address when you want to change or delete your personal data, or if you want to object to processing, or if you want to use your right to data transfer.

    Questions, comments or complaints
    For questions, comments or complaints about the protection of your personal data by ForFarmers, please make contact via PO Box 91, 7240 AB Lochem, the Netherlands, tel: +31 573-28 88 00, email: info@forfarmers.eu

    Furthermore, based on the applicable privacy legislation, you have the right to submit a complaint to the regulatory authority.

    The ForFarmers’ privacy statement can change when new developments arise that require this. The most up-to-date version of this privacy statement can be found on ForFarmers’ website. This privacy statement was drawn up on 28 March 2018.


    Het Cookiebeleid van ForFarmers bevat informatie over het gebruik van cookies en soortgelijke technieken (hierna kortweg ‘cookies’) op de ForFarmers website www.forfarmersgroup.eu en de ForFarmers websites die daarmee gelinkt zijn.

    Wat is een cookie?
    Een cookie is een eenvoudig tekstbestand dat door uw browser wordt opgeslagen in het geheugen van uw webbrowser of apparaat wanneer u een website bezoekt. In dit tekstbestand wordt informatie opgeslagen en dit tekstbestand stelt een website in staat specifieke apparaten of browsers te herkennen. Een cookie bevat dus informatie over bijvoorbeeld een advertentie of adverteerder of een unieke ID-code.

    Er bestaan verschillende cookies die verschillende functionaliteiten hebben. Sommige cookies zijn noodzakelijk, omdat de website anders niet werkt. Er zijn ook cookies die handig zijn voor de bezoeker, bijvoorbeeld omdat deze onthoudt in welke taal u de website wilt lezen. Veel cookies worden gebruikt om bij te houden wat u op internet doet, bijvoorbeeld naar welke pagina’s u hebt gekeken. Houdt u er rekening mee dat wanneer u cookies niet accepteert of verwijdert, u bepaalde functionaliteiten van de website kunt verliezen of niet kunt gebruiken.

    Verschillende cookies:

    Functionele cookies:
    Functionele cookies zijn noodzakelijk voor het gebruik van de website waarop u zich bevindt, bijvoorbeeld om te herkennen dat u dezelfde gebruiker bent die de vorige pagina op de site heeft bezocht, of om uw voorkeuren te onthouden.

    Analytische cookies:
    Voor het continu verbeteren van de website worden analytische cookies gebruikt. Hiermee worden bezoekersstatistieken bijgehouden. Dit is informatie over bijvoorbeeld hoeveel bezoekers de website bezoeken, welke pagina’s bezoekers bekijken en welke browser en schermresolutie bezoekers gebruiken. 

    Andere cookies:
    Voor het gebruik van andere cookies, zoals performance/sessie cookies of profilering/tracking cookies, is uw voorafgaande toestemming nodig.  

    Performance/sessie cookies worden gebruikt om te meten of een vertoonde advertentie leidt tot een aankoop of bijvoorbeeld een inschrijving. Websites worden hiervoor vergoed. Zo kunnen websites inkomsten genereren en het bezoek naar de website gratis houden. Door middel van deze cookies wordt geen persoonlijke informatie opgeslagen die herleidbaar is naar een persoon.

    Profilering/tracking cookies zijn cookies die ervoor zorgen dat de getoonde advertenties beter aansluiten bij de interesses van de bezoeker. Advertentiebedrijven meten het succes van hun campagnes, de mogelijke interesses van de bezoeker en de eventuele voorkeuren door cookies uit te lezen. 

    Welke cookies gebruikt ForFarmers?
    ForFarmers maakt gebruik van functionele, performance en analytische cookies. Dat doet ForFarmers om te kijken hoe bezoekers van de site gebruik maken. Deze informatie helpt ForFarmers om de site te verbeteren. ForFarmers maakt middels analytische cookies gebruik van web statistieken. Deze gegevens worden geanalyseerd en hierdoor kan de website nog beter op bezoekers worden afgestemd. De verzamelde gegevens worden niet voor een ander doel gebruikt dan voor verbetering van de website. De verzamelde gegevens worden niet aan derden ter beschikking gesteld. Het gaat onder andere om de volgende gegevens:
    •    De browser die wordt gebruikt;
    •    Het tijdstip en de duur van uw bezoek;
    •    Welke pagina’s bezocht zijn;
    •    Foutmeldingen die bezoekers hebben gekregen.
    ForFarmers meet het websitebezoek met Google Analytics. Google kan deze informatie aan derden verschaffen indien Google hiertoe wettelijk wordt verplicht, of voor zover derden de informatie namens Google verwerken. 

    Deze website maakt tevens gebruik van Google Maps en Google Tag Manager. Met Google Maps kan een geografische kaart worden weergegeven op de website. Ook kunnen hiermee routebeschrijvingen worden gemaakt. Met Google Tag Manager worden de tags op de website beheerd en ingezet. Verder wordt via onze website een cookie geplaatst van YouTube en/of Vimeo. ForFarmers gebruikt deze dienst om video’s  af te spelen op haar websites.

    Voor sommige websites maakt ForFarmers gebruik van andere cookies, zoals bijvoorbeeld marketing cookies. Via die websites zal vooraf aan bezoekers worden gevraagd om hiervoor toestemming te verlenen. 

    Hoe kunt u cookies uitzetten of verwijderen?
    Indien u niet wilt dat websites op uw computer cookies plaatsen dan kunt u de browserinstellingen aanpassen zodat u een waarschuwing krijgt voordat er cookies worden geplaatst. Ook kunt u cookies die al geplaatst zijn verwijderen.

    Voor over dit Cookiebeleid kunt u contact opnemen met ForFarmers via Postbus 91, 7240 AB Lochem, tel: +31 573-28 88 00, e-mail: info@forfarmers.eu.

    Het Cookiebeleid van ForFarmers kan wijzigen als nieuwe ontwikkelingen daartoe aanleiding geven. Het meest actuele Cookiebeleid vindt u altijd op de website van ForFarmers. Dit Cookiebeleid is vastgesteld op 28 maart 2018.
