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    Silasil Energy BG

    For moist, protein-rich, low-sugar crops
    Afbeelding: Silasil Energy G_Small

    Silasil Energy BG contains lactic acid bacteria specially selected for biogas production to protect wet, protein-rich, low-sugar energy plants such as grass, rye, lucerne and clover mixes.

    This provides effective protection against energy losses through low pH values and a high lactic acid content.

    Silasil Energy BG performance

    Grass treated with Silasil Energy BG reaches a lower pH more quickly that remains low and stable during the ensiling process compared to untreated grass.

    Afbeelding: Silasil Energy BG

    Reducing storage losses

    Silasil Energy BG protects the crop from energy losses and formation of toxic metabolites during the ensiling phases. Silasil Energy BG optimally conserves the energy from the storage process until used in your AD plant.
