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    Silasil Energy C

    For carbohydrate-rich crops fed to both the digester and livestock
    Afbeelding: Silasil Energy C_Small

    Silasil Energy C contains a special combination of bacterial strains that protects silage from unwanted energy-consuming microbes and promotes both your livestock feed intake and your AD plant biogas yield.

    It enables both the biogas plant and the herd to be supplied efficiently from a single batch of silage ensuring:

    • Protection against energy loss
    • Reduced nutrient degradation
    • High methane yields

    Silasil Energy C performance

    Silasil Energy C is ideal for when you are feeding your livestock and your biogas plant from the same silage. As demonstrated in the graph below, there is no difference in feed intake or milk production when using Silasil Energy C compared to livestock-specific silage additives.

    Silasil Energy C graph